Thursday, August 27, 2020

Role of the HR Professional

Regardless of the expansiveness or the profundity of an association, it will consistently have the intrinsic requirement for HR. It is protected to state that without labor, no association on the planet would exist. Perceiving the requirement for individuals, however more significantly, the requirement for talented, productive and faithful workers has been a key defining moment in characterizing the job of the HR proficient. As the â€Å"people people† or associations, today†s HR experts work in a wide assortment of limits as go betweens, tutors, work investigators, and vocation organizers †to give some examples. In any case, maybe the absolute generally significant and testing elements of HR experts are straightforwardly identified with the enrollment, determination, preparing, and evaluation of the organization†s workers (or likely representatives all things considered). It is up to HR chief or supervisory crew to make procedures and strategies in selecting, preparing, and evaluating its staff so that it is compatible with the qualities, vision and culture of the association. This can be a huge test †particularly in today†s business world where organizations are continually getting and combining shaping totally different personalities at an exponential rate. In managing the equivocalness of the corporate world HR experts understand that it isn't particular execution of every single HR work that will guarantee the best HR for their associations, it is the arrangement and mix of the entirety of the HR capacities that make a domain that enables and supports representative development, competency, and faithfulness. There are two primary segments of the staffing capacity, which are the enrollment and choice of expected workers. Enrollment, which includes all activities in drawing in candidates from both inside and outside the association, is one of the most significant jobs of the HR proficient. The reality in the enlisting exertion is to draw in the most qualified candidates for the required situations by imparting the capabilities required so as to satisfy the position. With a consistent pattern of mergers and acquisitions happening the world over including a portion of the world†s most solid associations, the job of enrollment specialist has changed incomprehensibly in the course of recent years. Since associations are getting themselves increasingly more soaked with capable and profoundly skillful workers, they are hoping to satisfy empty situations inside the association. This is likewise an extremely consistent methodology on the grounds that current workers are as of now all around situated with the arrangements and culture of the association and don't have to experience the direction that a â€Å"external hire† would require. Conversely, selection representatives have likewise needed to turn out to be considerably more imaginative and at last forceful in enrolling potential candidates remotely. With the presentation of the World Wide Web and the expansion in intensity among colleges, schools and other post-optional establishments, graduates are entering the business world with more information, abilities and knowledge than at any other time, making them alluring resources for some associations. With the expansion in prominence of employment fairs, community projects and online vocation habitats, selection representatives are currently furnished with the assets they have to search out and tempt the most qualified of candidates. Simultaneously, graduates and others looking for business have gotten engaged to search out their most attractive positions, and are testing enrollment specialists with a significantly more proactive and forceful methodology themselves. When the enrollment specialist has appropriately played out the capacity of drawing in qualified candidates, they at that point expect the job of â€Å"selector†. In this limit, it is up to the HR expert to choose the most ideal candidates to fill the places that are required. Generally the determination procedure includes the thought of three kinds of data: 1. Training, Work Experience and Background History 2. KSAO†s †Ability, Performance, Personality, Honesty/Integrity 3. Ailment or comparable contemplations †physical and mental wellbeing The determination procedure additionally normally includes, the underlying sharing of data, rounding out and application, beginning meeting, the organization of any tests, a last meeting (or optional meeting with likely partners), reference checks, and afterward the last choice is made. Despite the fact that the determination procedure fluctuates in various associations, the fundamental structure is generally the equivalent. All through the whole enlisting and determination forms, the HR proficient should likewise utilize their instinct and consider the candidate utilizing less â€Å"tangible† estimation techniques, for example, watching their quirks, understanding the applicants† individual qualities and convictions and what their extra-curricular interests are. Albeit a candidate is made a decision about additional on their capabilities and aptitudes, as a â€Å"selector†, it is significant for the HR expert to choose somebody whose qualities and convictions are harmonious with the organization and who they feel would best â€Å"fit† inside the way of life of the association. On the off chance that a HR proficient can utilize their instinct and â€Å"people skills† adequately in drawing in and choosing candidates, they are at last coordinating and adjusting their â€Å"staffing† job with their progressive job as a coach, which follows once a fruitful candidate has been chosen. The strength of any association relies upon the advancement of its kin. In the event that to be sure the best resource is its HR, at that point it is much increasingly essential that the association take into account its HR experts to put time and vitality into this indispensable arranging capacity. As was expressed before, the achievement of the HR proficient in being a powerful spotter and selector is key in at last deciding their prosperity as a coach, and the employees† accomplishment in turning out to be all around situated with the way of thinking, strategies, methodology, and culture of the association. When arranging how best to prepare new and existing workers, HR experts ought to consistently make certain to address both quick and long-go objectives, practices and abilities. Notwithstanding, as a general rule, much the same as any other individual, HR individuals can't generally accept or claim to comprehend what might best work for everybody, so it is important that before arranging out the preparation procedure, they should lead an intensive needs appraisal. This should be possible through numerous ways, for example, the organization of polls and reviews to decide representative needs and desires, perception of employment capacities and the association all in all, and different strategies for subjective data gathering. When a preparation plan has been built up, the whole procedure by which individuals realize what is anticipated from them in their new jobs in the association is socialization. This procedure, much the same as numerous other HR forms, has different stages, for example, Entry/Anticipatory Socialization, Socialization/Accommodation, and Mutual Acceptance. It is significant for HR experts to perceive and energize the full advancement of the new representative through these stages. All through the direction and preparing of new (or old) workers, it is likewise significant for a HR expert to lead a preparation and advancement appraisal. An exhaustive evaluation would incorporate an examination of the preparation needs just as the advancement needs throughout the following hardly any years. Preparing needs ought to be founded on quick requirements for changes in conduct, where as the long-extend advancement objectives ought to be founded on the securing of information and abilities to be utilized now and later on. Situating representative preparing to concentrate on short and long haul advancement encourages HR experts to look â€Å"down the road† and address how they can enable their workers to address difficulties, make change and guarantee the general soundness of the association. In utilizing this modern methodology, a basic key arrangement is worked to incorporate worker preparing and improvement, with that of representative exhibition the executives. When representatives have experienced the entirety of the procedures or socialization and have become all around arranged with how the association capacities on all levels, it is as of now that the HR proficient takes on one more job as that of execution measurer and administrator. There are two essential purposes behind execution the executives: 1. Managerial: incorporates special thought, excusal thought, pay, benchmarking and the capacity to oversee execution at all levels 2. Formative: incorporates the capacity to give criticism, surveying preparing needs, reassuring outside and inside inspiration, and investigation present place of employment structure Truly, the main individuals legitimately engaged with the examination of an employee†s execution were the representative and their prompt director. In any case, as the act of HR advances, so have huge numbers of its capacities, particularly in the territory execution evaluation. Today, an ever increasing number of associations are receiving the act of â€Å"360 degree feedback† in assessing their employees† exhibitions. This technique includes the chief and the representative, yet in addition the employee†s friends, subordinates, and customers. ‘This generally new practice encourages a substantially more balanced and careful assessment of the workers execution and has been demonstrated to be considerably more valuable in surveying the representatives formative needs and zones for development. Be that as it may, similar to any significant practice, the â€Å"360 degree feedback† technique isn't without it difficulties. Permitting this kind of support in execution examination can cause such issues as: the â€Å"Halo Effect†, focal propensity, unmistakable mercy or severity, and one-sided evaluations. In perceiving these basic evaluation issues, it can b

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Benefit of Life Balance Free Essays

Locally situated Telecommuting This alludes to representatives working at home all the time, however not really consistently. A few representatives decide to telecommute a few days in seven days. To help crafted by the locally established specialist, a few businesses would give them the essential gear. We will compose a custom exposition test on Advantage of Life Balance or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now For a model, PCs and fax machines. Satellite Offices Instead of the traditional office, representatives work at an area helpful to themselves and their clients. A satellite office houses just workers from a solitary firm. In some sense, it is a branch office whose reason for existing is to ease employees’ drive. The satellite office is outfitted with office furniture and gear gave by the firm. Neighborhood Work Center This is basically like the satellite office with one contrast which a local work community houses more than one company’s representatives. At the end of the day, a few organizations may share the rent on a place of business yet keep up isolated office regions inside the structure. Office suites might be outfitted by the site proprietor or by the individual leasing firm. Portable Working as opposed to remote workers who work from one assigned area outside the workplace, versatile specialists are regularly out and about, utilizing media communications gear to work from a grouping of areas, for example, home, vehicle, plane or lodging business focus. This method of game plan is generally fit to workers who should be continually on the transition to complete their Jobs, similar to sales rep, venture investors and insightful journalists. 2. 3 BENEFITS Savings from Absenteeism Teleporting permits laborers to all the more likely join their work and individual obligations. This outcomes in a decrease in non-attendance as representatives tend to take individual leave, wiped out leave or go home right on time to meet individual deeds. As indicated by the 1999 Telethon America Research Survey by Joanne Pratt Associates, transporting brings about a 63% investment funds in the expense of truancy per transporting worker every year. Higher Productivity Teleporting assists with expanding profitability as laborers are not defenseless to interruptions, for example, workplace issues and tattles. Representatives additionally have higher vitality levels because of the decrease in making a trip to and from work; Savings in Cost of Office Space Teleporting empowers organizations to save money on office space and related expenses. As indicated by the 1999 Telethon America Research Survey, IBM spared IIS$75 million in al home costs because of working from home while AT T spared IIS$80 million in land and office overheads from having representatives work from home; Attraction 54% of the representatives canvassed in the study said that the capacity to work at home was significant or critical to them in thinking about a new position. Organizations with adaptable work rehearses are refered to as â€Å"best practice† managers, and this assists with drawing in and hold representatives; Option for Disability Telethon is an appropriate business choice for representatives with inability. 2. 4 PROBLEMS/CHALLENGES Inability to Constantly Monitor A significant test for supervisors is their powerlessness to truly watch their employees’ execution. This may represent a worry particularly for Jobs where the employees’ execution isn't effectively quantifiable. Diminished Social Networking Teleporting may adversely influence person to person communication in the work environment by: †upsetting collaboration. †dividing the interpersonal organization. †making conceivable disdain among workers not picked to work from home. Absence of Resource and Technical Support Telemarketers face the test of accessing assets (records, database) which they may require in playing out their work however which may not be accessible on-nine. Also, telemarketers should be all the more actually smart then their office peers as help administrations may not be promptly accessible at remote workplaces. 2. KEY IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS Telecommuting Arrangement May be generally appropriate for representatives whose nature of work doesn't require close oversight or association with different workers, and whose work execution or yield can be handily estimated and evaluated. Correspondence Essential for the effective usage of transporting. Prior to the usage of transporting, the two directors and workers ought to examine and concede to the key issue. The key issues, including the terms and states of business, ought to be archived as arrangement rules which would fill in as a reason for actualizing transporting. The key issue as follow: †execution objectives and estimations †vocation ways †preparing and advancement openings †word related wellbeing and wellbeing contemplations and work injury pay †arrangement of work hardware and repayment of business related costs †requirement for announcing at the work environment at ordinary interims †protecting the security and classification of data Managers Would Need o be Trained on Remote Supervision and Management Managers would likewise need to figure out how to address issues, for example, worker confinement and the worry about transmitting the organization’s culture to representatives who are working remotely. . Employment SHARING The term â€Å"Job sharing† was first authored in quite a while. This alternative was conceived as an approach to make all the more low maintenance openings in positions which couldn't be decreased in hours or split into two low maintenance Jobs. The Job sharing course of action empowers managers to safeguard Jobs in their full-time structure while tapping on the ability of at least two individuals. Instructions to refer to Benefit of Life Balance, Essays

Friday, August 21, 2020

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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Emotionally Safe Classroom Analysis - 866 Words

Emotionally Safe Classroom Spending the first three weeks of class devoted to making a consistent and predictable classroom environment through establishing, modeling and teaching clear rules, routines and expectations is a fundamental technique found among effective teachers (Borich, 2012). These expectations and routines should not be vague (e.g. â€Å"Stay on task† or â€Å"Be in the right place at the right time†) but should be clear and precise (e.g. â€Å"Check off your name as you first come in the class, and immediately sit down to review the day’s itinerary†). Building daily itineraries that can be followed will improve class predictability and are valued by elementary students (Savage, 2009), resulting in an emotionally safe classroom. Another effective way to create an emotionally safe environment is to develop diversity awareness and social skills. Elementary students may not be aware of the wide variety of cultures that influence classroom dynamics. Katz and Porath (2011) have shown that implementing social-emotional learning interventions such as their â€Å"Respecting Diversity† program, students will develop greater understanding and respect for the diversity of others, greater self-awareness and greater self-respect. Social skills include equipping students with conflict resolution skills, discussing appropriate ways to speak to one another, and showing students how to respect personal belongings, other’s feelings, and diverse values. By enhancing social skills andShow MoreRelatedSafety And School Climate ( Tiered System Of Supports ; Differentiated Instruction932 Words   |  4 Pagespositive school climate fosters youth development and learning necessary for a productive, contributive, and satisfying life in a democratic society. This climate includes norms, values, and expectations that support people feeling socially, emotionally and physically safe. People are engaged and respected. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

Indonesia Educational Landscape Education - 931 Words

Indonesia Educational Landscape Inclusive education has become part of Indonesia educational policy since 2009. Although the plethora of studies has addressed the notion of inclusive education, the implementation as indicated in several studies, however, is still problematic (Ainscow Sandill, 2010; Liasidou, 2015). In Indonesia, the inclusive education issue appears perplexing, because teachers and educators still confused with the rhetoric of inclusive education. Additionally, there is limited support from the government to help teachers with the appropriate resources (Praptiningrum, 2010). In her article, Praptiningrum (2010) explained that one of the problems that occurred is the classroom environment does not yet cater the inclusive†¦show more content†¦Assessment: An Inclusive and Comprehensive Perspectives The inclusive notion has been attributed closely with the educational reform. Through the lens of inclusive education, there is an underlying concept to ponder upon one’s assumption, attitude and practice. The old view of inclusion apparently, however, depicted a misconception that only associates inclusive education with specialist education (Liasidou, 2015). In the article, Ainscow Sandill (2010) described that inclusive education as an approach to support and welcome diversity among all learners. Thus, the perspective becomes broader, as it also informs practitioners to re-conceptualizing their practices. It means that schools in general, and teachers, in particular, need to reflect on how their current practice in providing education for the students. Among other considerations, schools and educators need to address the certain pedagogical practice. As school becomes more diverse than ever before, it is inevitable that school needs to reflect their pedagogical approach. The approach where learning is seen as competition, grading, and ranking, best school and bad school, suggested that â€Å"bell-curve† thinking still underpinned the school philosophy (Florian, 2015). In delivering a meaningful learning, school needs to scrutinize their philosophy and exploreShow MoreRelatedCountry Analysis Report Indonesia Indep1513 Words   |  7 PagesAnalysis Report - Indonesia - In-depth PESTLE Insights Description: Introduction The country analysis report on Indonesia provides a wide array of analytical inputs to analyze the country’s performance, and the objective is to help the reader to make business decisions and prepare for the future. The report on Indonesia analyzes the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental (PESTLE) structure of Indonesia. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Creative Reflective Essay Relating My Understanding of...

A Creative Reflective Essay Relating My Understanding of an Article from the Cross-Cultural Journal of Psychology: TWO DECADES OF CHANGE IN CULTURAL VALUES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN EIGHT EAST ASIAN AND PACIFIC ISLAND NATIONS (MICHAEL W. ALLEN, University of Sydney, Australia; SIK HUNG NG, City University of Hong Kong, China; KENICHI lKEDA, University of Tolcyo, Japan; JAYUM A. JAWAN, Universiti Putra Malaysia; ANWARUL HASAN SUFI, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh; MARC WILSON, Victoria University, New Zealand; KUO-SHU YANG, Fo Guang College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Taiwan) This article is the result of the authors’ desire to answer the question: ‘Do cultural values and cultural change accompany economic progress?’†¦show more content†¦Yet this issue was ignored and the short-sightedness of the survey’s design brings the results for both the 1982 and the 2002 survey into question. I do not believe it is possible to gain a true indication of the relationship between national culture and economic development using such a limiting instrument. Thirdly, I do not believe GDP is always a good indicator of the economic development of a nation. Economic development is more than a figure representing the total value of goods and services produced in a given year in comparison to total consumer, government and investment spending. Economic development is about increasing the standard of living and social wellbeing of a nation’s people in association with sustained economic growth but there does not appear to have been sufficient information collected to ascertain this was the case in all 8 nations. The USA could be considered one such example: a nation with a substantial GDP yet it has increasing deterioration in the level of general health and growing literacy issues across its population. Having critiqued the article and found what I consider to be several major flaws with the structure of the survey I still find myself in agreement with some of the survey’s findings. However, I do not agree with the recommendation for a future study that again uses Ng et al.’s (1982) survey: a new survey needs to be designed to address theShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrievalRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pages. Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of workRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesWeidemann-Book Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2011, 2007, 2005, 2002, 1998 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproductionRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagesimproving it. Although always appealing to his economic understandings, he has been open to a wide variety of other ideas, recognizing their intellectual strengths and capabilities rather than making artificial distinctions between what is acceptable and what is not. He also has contributed widely to the accounting literature, taking forward the British tradition of economic theorizing in financial accounting as well as being a constant source of creative thinking in the management accounting field. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Information Technology Ethics Impeding the Digital Revolution

Question: Discuss about the Information Technology Ethics of Impeding the Digital Revolution. Answer: Introduction E-commerce to online games, streaming live videos, the Internet is used by a large amount of people. A global audience can access the internet as it is emerging as the pool of information. All this information is accessible for a person if he/she posses a telephone line or a personal computer. It also works as a medium of knowledge sharing. Now days it is seen that the internet is used as the weapon of different deceptive practices that can create confusion in public and try to take advantage of reputation and goodwill of a well-known and successful organization. This kind of deceptive practices comes under the umbrella term cyber piracy. This essay contributes to the different deceptive practices like cyber squatting, domain parking, deceptive ad-words and the effects on the users privacy, security, intellectual property, regulations on the internet, community, and on the convergent computing. The scenario: The cyber piracy is an umbrella term that covers different deceptive practices like Cybersquating: This term is used to describe the registration over a domain name that is not for taking. By doing this the cyber squatter asks the organization or the person whose name or trademarks are contained in the domain name. After this, the cyber squatter tries to extort the victimized person or the organization, and asks money. The claimed money is much greater than the purchasing value. Often the cyber squatters wait so that, a registered domain name expires, after this they register and place humiliating information on the site (Wright, 2012). This is done to encourage the effort of selling the domain to the targeted person or the victimized organization. The example of such cybersquatting incident happened with the Arkansas legal services ( The company registered different variations of their website address including This domain expired in early 2006, after which in a week a cyber squatter was using the URL for wrong reasonsan d advertised that the URL is for sell. Domain parking: The domain parking is another sophisticated version of the cyber squatting. In domain parking, it takes the advantage of the type-in issue of the user. In this case, a fake website is created that displays contents similar to the original site (Alrwais et al., 2014). This fake websites has some advertisers link. When the links are clicked the user are redirected to the advertisers page. For this, the domain holder gets fees. Often some domain parkers try to sell this similar kind of fake websites. Deceptive Ad-words: Another form of the cyber piracy is the deceptive ad-words that ,are a result of false advertising and ambiguous trade practices. The search engine giants like Google, Yahoo sales ad words to the organizations. Using this ad words the organizations can sell their products on this websites. When a user searches for such words the engine promptly displays the sites that have purchased the particular ad word. Framing: In cyber piracy, the framing can be described as using the content of website in another website without permission or without giving proper credit. Illegal distribution of the software and copyright material: Another form of the cyber piracy is illegal and unauthorized distribution of the software and copyright materials ( Filby, 2013). Using Torrents and other peer-to-peer file sharing services the software and copyright materials are shared over the internet. The stakeholders By the different methods of cyber piracy the owners of the intellectual property ,well known organizations, the well known personalities are victimized and are victimized by the attackers or the hackers. As the cyber, crime is growing day by day and is an industry of 220bn-340bn, which is more than the national income of most of the countries in the world. As an example, the domain name of Google was sold to a person named Sanmay Ved. Although that is for minute the domain was the property of him. Ethical issues Buying the names and keywords are legal, but this is not ethical. Since the the purchase of the domain name can be a step to sabotage the other company(Lau Yuen ,2014). By registering the hostname a that have the keywords which belongs to the other companies or organization can give the permission to do anything with that, but the practically hold the key words or the domain as the hostages. In addition, framing is unethical too. Since there is no proper, credit is given to the intellectual property of the content on the website. Non ethical issues In case of domain parking, it takes advantage of the inexperience of the end users. In this case, the user follows the provided advertisers link and consequently the owner of the site gets the fees or the payment from the advertisers as they provide visitors to the advertisements( Yoon, 2012). Consequences Due to cyber squatting the organizations, celebrity personalities can be harmed due to the offensive use of the domain names. While trying to extort the victim organizations or the person they destroy the reputation and the goodwill in the society(Larsson,2013). Ethical analysis Consequentialism: the theory of consequentialism can be defined as dealing with the consequences rather than the actions itself. According to this theory, it can be stated that the stealing is good if the outcome is for the good (Boyte ,2014). Here for example if we take that in a kingdom a king has stored his warehouses when maximum of the people in the state is starving. Here the stealing of the food to distribute in the people is good. Since the outcome is good. In this case when the softwares, eBooks are priced too high then the cyber squatters, parkers try to prove that when specifically no one is harmed and the knowledge and services are distributed between the people. Therefore, according to them, the information should be free and for the distribution of the software the loss incurred to the organization is insignificant or it can be easily defended. Just consequentialism The traditional consequentialism has some well-known shortcomings. Like it is insensitive to the issues of justice. But in case of the just consequentialism it proposes the use of information or the content without harming interest of the actual owner of the content or the data. Conclusion As the information accessed by through the internet is increasing day by day, therefore the issues with the cyber securities will also increase. To stop these cybercrimes or the cybercriminals, its necessary to introduce new laws against the different cyber crimes. Again as the kind of the cybercrimes in different regions of the world are also different so there should be rules that resembles with each other and can protect different intellectual properties and the ownership of the content on the internet. References Alrwais, S., Yuan, K., Alowaisheq, E., Li, Z., Wang, X. (2014). Understanding the dark side of domain parking. In23rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 14)(pp. 207-222). Boyte, A. N. (2014). Finding Copyright's Core Content.University of St. Thomas Law Journal,10(3), 9. Center for Arkansas Legal Services | LSNTAP. (2016) Retrieved 28 May 2016, from Filby, M. R. (2013).Cyber Piracy: Can File Sharing be Regulated without Impeding the Digital Revolution?(Doctoral dissertation, University of Leicester). Larsson, S., Svensson, M., De Kaminski, M. (2013). Online piracy, anonymity and social change Innovation through deviance.Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies,19(1), 95-114. Lau, W. W., Yuen, A. H. (2014). Internet ethics of adolescents: Understanding demographic differences.Computers Education,72, 378-385. Wright, S. (2012). Cybersquatting at the Intersection of Internet Domain Names and Trademark Law.Communications Surveys Tutorials, IEEE,14(1), 193-205. Yoon, C. (2012). Digital piracy intention: a comparison of theoretical models.Behaviour Information Technology,31(6), 565-576.