Friday, December 27, 2019

A Glimpse Into The Life Of A Social Worker - 934 Words

A Glimpse Into the Life of a Social Worker Margarita Perez received a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from York College, The City University of New York. She then went on to receive her Master’s of Social Work degree at San Francisco State University, with a double emphasis on Individuals, Families and Groups, as well as, Child Welfare. She began her social work career as a Mental Health Treatment Specialist at Family Paths, a child abuse prevention and treatment agency. There she gained experience dealing with infant mental health, lack of attachment and the effect of trauma on early childhood. She now works as a Family Treatment Rehabilitation Case Planner at Forestdale Inc, a child welfare agency dedicated to ensuring the safety of all children. Ms. Perez is part of Forestdale Inc’s preventative program, which advocates for families at risk of having their children placed in foster care. She is responsible for working with families who experience certain traumas that might threaten the safety and wellbeing of their children. Her main goal is to promote healthy growth and development within the family and prevent separation of children from their homes. Her responsibilities include visiting families in their homes and providing individual, family and group counseling. She assists her clients with acquiring and/or solving housing and daycare issues. Ms. Perez also advocates for her clients in order to secure services such as public assistance, health insurance andShow MoreRelatedAustralia in the Early 1900s 1180 Words   |  5 Pagesopportunity to success and an egalitarian society. However not all workers proved this to be true. In order to determine this statement, Issues to be discussed include firstly the hours of work for different genders, secondly the working conditions and finally the dispute for the right to fair treatment to women and Aboriginal natives throughout the 19th century. In order to create Australia’s image as a working man’s paradise, workers gained rights to speak. The first of these issues to be discussedRead MoreEight Ways That Small Companies Can Attract, Manage And Maintain Top Talent1395 Words   |  6 PagesAttract, Manage and Retain Top Talent Small businesses are the biggest employers in the United States and are therefore faced with the challenge of attracting and retaining the best talents. Since the economy is recovering from the recession, most workers who had held on to jobs they do not like are beginning to look for other opportunities. 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My whole life I have been described as a social butterfly. I take every opportunity I can get to be social, which is why no one in my family had any worries about my ability to make friends when I moved away from home to California State University Monterey Bay. I take advantage of every workshop, every speaker, and every event that my school offers in order to gain more insight on the Social Work profession. One of the reasons why I chose my concentration to be Social Work,Read MoreHuman Services Essay1393 Words   |  6 Pagesprofessional aspirations, gives us a glimpse into this exciting and emerging career path. What is Human Services? This question can lead to a variety of responses. Human services, for two of our members, meant activities or programs designed to serve and enhance the quality of life for all people; a field that assists individuals or families with conditions and obstacles they may be facing or simply services that assist them in improving their quality of life. Another member looked at Human Services

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Physics Work, Power, Energy - 2008 Words

Experiment 4: Work, Power and Energy Arlie Bamiano, Jealine Marie Bernabe, Petrenne Clarice Caimbon, Jhia Caso Department of Biological Sciences College of Science, University of Santo Tomas Espaà ±a, Manila Philippines Abstract The experiment deals primarily with computing the work done by gravity on each member in two scenarios (going up and down the stairs of the second floor and the third floor of the Main Building) wherein weight was also considered and following this, the power output of each member was also computed. Using the Logger Pro, the kinetic and potential energies of a ball in free fall were graphed and compared. At the end of the experiment, it was said that member #2 was the most â€Å"powerful† among the group†¦show more content†¦The time it took for the members to go down the stairs from the third floor to the fourth floor was also noted. Next, the members had to devise a way to determine the vertical distance (h) between the third floor and the second floor. This was done with the use of a meter stick wherein the height of each step was noted and added altogether. Next, the work done by gravity on each member when going up and down the stairs was computed as well. Lastly , the power output of each group member was computed as well and the most â€Å"powerful† member of the group was determined. Activity 2 ( Energy of a Tossed Ball: Physics with Computers) weighing the rubber ball that was to be used. Then, the members predicted the graphs for the potential energy versus time of a ball thrown vertically up from a height of 50 cm., graph of kinetic energy versus time of the same ball, graph of total mechanical energy versus time of the same ball. The members then placed the motion detector protected with a wire basket on the floor. The file â€Å"16 Energy of Tossed Ball† was opened and a member held the ball directly above and 50.0 cm from the motion detector while another member tossed the ball straight up while the motion detector began to collect data. The graphs obtained using Logger Pro were then compared to the predicted graphs. 4. Results and Discussion Table 1: Activity 1 (Power) vertical distance between second floor and third floor: 5.021 m Member |Show MoreRelatedPrinciples of Physics of Gymnastics963 Words   |  4 Pagesflexibility and power. The sport is a combination of dance and acrobatics and involves immense physical and mental power over one’s body. Gymnasts execute the most unnatural body positions as they flip and twist through the air. These tricks combine creativity with the laws of physics. Sports-writer Tommy Deas explains, â€Å"Gymnastics may seem to defy gravity and the laws of the universe as they tumble and spin through the air, but they are actually relying on the principles of physics to perform theirRead MorePhysics in Cameras713 Words   |  3 Pagesbutton. These little machines allow a real life image to be seen on paper and to be kept as a memento. The way that cameras are able to do this is through physics. Cameras are relatable to physics because they involve visi ble light, light refraction, light reflections, and electromagnetic fields in the motor. Cameras are involved with physics because they use visible light to capture a picture. Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum contains differentRead MoreReview Of Six Flags And The River Rider 899 Words   |  4 PagesSix Flags is an interesting place to go if you are looking to have fun or to learn about physics. The rides there are exciting to go on and are full of education. Physics play a big role in the rides that are at Six Flags. In order to make sure the rides are safe so you don t die, you need to apply the right physics. There are all different type of rides at Six Flags like the Raging Bull, the Giant Drop, and the River Rider. â€Å"Bull- taming is an ancient art that is still practiced today. Now youRead MoreElectric Power, Motors and Generators Surround Us Every Day771 Words   |  3 Pagesour homes, and our communities. Electricity is a form of energy that results from charged particles. There are many energy sources that can be converted into electricity, and that’s why it is suited for powering our society. We can generate electricity from burning fuels, energy of falling water, solar energy, and basically anything that has energy. Electricity is also easy to distribute, using transmission lines connecting the energy power station to homes, schools and so on. Atoms consist of electricRead MorePhysics of Field Goal Kicking1228 Words   |  5 PagesThe Physics of Field Goal Kicking Physics is involved in all of our daily activities. Most of the time, however, physics is overlooked and never acknowledged. It is important to understand different aspects of physics because physics tells us how and why certain events occur. By definition, physics is the search for laws that describe the most fundamental aspects of nature: matter, energy, force, motion, heat, light, and other phenomena. There are many different sectors of physics, but we willRead MoreThe Creation Of Careers Through Physics1270 Words   |  6 PagesThe Creation of Careers through Physics Physics is often deemed â€Å"useless† and â€Å"stressful† by young students taking the course in high school and college. However, many you students don’t the advantages and opportunity’s that the subject can provide for them in the future. Most young adults think that Physics will most likely not help them in the future and end up being waste of time and a credit, but, most of them don’t know that the careers that physics provides can both high paying and fun .Read More The Physics of a Diesel Engine Essay921 Words   |  4 PagesThe Physics of a Diesel Engine The world we live in is surrounded by diesel engines. They are on the freeways, railways, airways, and are one of the leading electricity producers in the world. They are also becoming more popular in automobiles. These engines are efficient and reliable and they are getting very sophisticated. However, the physics behind these engines has not changed. By way of definition, courtesy of Diesel Engine Engineering: [a] diesel engine is an internal combustionRead MorePurpose For A Career In Engineering1025 Words   |  5 Pagesintegrate the type 1 Kardashev scale â€Å"as in the words of Carl Sagan which implies a civilization capable of harvesting the full potential of power available on its planet. If Carl Sagan is right about his perspective, then renewable energy particularly solar and wind powers are among the chief contenders to solve global energy predicament and concurrently advance our energy generation to the next level. To contribute towards acceleration of this transition to humanity is the primary guiding rationality behindRead MoreNuclear Physics Of The Society Development1374 Words   |  6 PagesNuclear physics in the society development Nuclear physics is the field of physics that studies atomic nuclei and their constituents and interactions. The most commonly known application of nuclear physics is nuclear power generation, but the research has led to applications in many fields, including nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear weapons, ion implantation in materials engineering, and radiocarbon dating in geology and archaeology. Nuclear physics has a lot of importanceRead MorePhysics : The Physics Of Physics1654 Words   |  7 PagesPhysics is defined as a branch of science that explains the properties of matter and energy. The study of Physics offers explanations for many topics like mechanics, light, heat, and electricity. Physics is present in all forms throughout a person’s life. It could be from the smallest crunch of an autumn leaf to the many ways energy is harnessed to support the lifestyle we’ve become accustomed. Physics is literally everywhere. Physics is most strongly p resented in my life by automobiles, how physics

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Analysis Of Software Companies Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Analysis Of Software Companies. Answer: Introduction: Now a day, software analysis is most important to expand the business and for the growth of the company. Thus for various sectors of business, there have been many software companies grown up to support the business. Thus for various businesses like - hotels, resorts, airlines and many more, there are various software companies (Kotler and Keller, 2012). But to choose the right one suitable for the company is the main factor. So comparison is essential. Comparing The Attributes Of Opera My Fidelio And Hotel Rez: OPERA my Fidelio Hotel REZ Channel design It is a multi channel company providing a reputed image of any hotel and resort through multiple channels to various customers (Casado, 2012). It is an integrated channel of hotel management. Channel effectiveness The solutions which the company provided to their customers are much scalable and are designed in such a way that responds to the needs of corporate hotels, independents, and hotel and resort chains. Reduces the wastage of time in managing various channels at a time. Services offered The main services provided by the company are customer service, commission payment and web customization. Online marketing which helps to build direct online bookings, and brand awareness (Mill, 2012). Claims As the company is having an experience of more than 20 years, the global team of the company assists its customers to position their business of hotel and resort in the channels successfully, and to expand the business globally. When the rates are changed, real time updates are sent to the connected websites, and it helps to increase the confidence of the customers through rate parity. Software role As this company is integrated into the MICROS-Fidelio Property Management Systems, it is very easy and simple to use. This process helps to save the manual cost for loading the similar data in multiple channels. Central REZ is the Central Reservation System of the company, which helps to distribute the loaded contents and rates to hundreds of websites, which are their customers. Website This company has a site, where the customers of the company can connect their website and increase their business of hotels and resorts with the help of travel agents, and internet portals. The company is connected to websites like,, and many more. Information of costs Due to high technique of the software of the company, the customers have to spent less as, they do not have to invest for loading the same data manually in multiple channels. Due to various tactics used by the company to drive the traffic to the companys website, the cost is much higher. Current customers The current customers of the company are available on almost every continent of the earth, like Asia, North America, Africa, Australia, and Europe. They are Global Hotel Alliance, Pan Pacific, Marco Polo Hotels, Doyle Collection and many more. The company started in 2004. It has worldwide customers, like 1052 hotels, 836 restaurants and many more. Achievements Within 20years, the company expanded so much that, it has spread its business to 20 countries in the world. This company has advantages to different programs and different level of agreements. Electronic commerce theories For hotels and resorts specially, e-commerce solutions have been designed. This company mainly targeted their customers through online websites. Virtual tour There is a facility to make the customers understand virtually about the services and facilities. There is also facility for customers to understand the services virtually. Scenario Analysis: OPERA my Fidelio is the better option for the hotel and resort business. Comparing The Attributes Of Amadeus And Sita: AMADEUS SITA Channel design The company has various types of travelers, and the company is able to empower the key travel industry players to manage and engage better and serve well. It is the IT solution for air transport Channel effectiveness Reduces the cost of the company but on the other hand also increases the revenue of the company (Song, 2012). It has developed Airport Master System for avoiding delays in the airways and in the airport. Services offered By social customer engagement, this company provides better service to travelers. Mainly it simplifies the airport connectivity. Claims The company helps people to connect the ecosystem with the business travel. Thus changes the travel pattern (Inkson and Minnaert, 2012). The company is on the way of rapidly growing, by 2025, about nine billion passengers would be under this company Software role It helps to optimize the business process. Airport MSI is the software this company uses. Scenario Analysis: AMADEUS is better option, as it has more experience about the different types of customers. And it is also cheap for its customers. Conclusion: Technologies have improved now a day, but to select or opt for the correct one is the most necessary thing (Pride and Ferrell, 2012). Thus to compare before invest is essential for any person. References: Casado, M. (2012).Housekeeping management. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. Inkson, C. and Minnaert, L. (2012).Tourism management. Los Angeles: SAGE. Kotler, P. and Keller, K. (2012).Marketing management. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Mill, R. (2012).Resorts. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Pride, W. and Ferrell, O. (2012).Marketing 2012. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning. Song, H. (2012).Tourism supply chain management. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Art of Neosoul free essay sample

A New Expression of Soul Music Neo Soul is a genre of music that arose in the sass from the experience of RB/ Soul music and is characterized as bringing freshness to a genre long pronounced dead (Phillip Cunningham/Bowling Green State university). As defined by the Stanford Dictionary of Philosophy, art Is modern works that appear to break radically with all traditional art and this music genre is by definition new and radically different.Considering neo soul in terms of art, I believe that this music is an expression of modern mainstream African American culture, experience, belief, and rely, the root of this ethnicity. Deferent and more artistically expressed than soul music It brings great aesthetic value to the music scene. Not Just music, but a powerful expression of deep rooted feelings through attention-grabbing and talented artist of our day. Neo-Soul is new and innovative in expressing the common culture of African American life and In its refusal to walk the conventional line. We will write a custom essay sample on The Art of Neosoul or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In what the Music Said an essay by Mark Anthony Neal, this form of music Is post-soul and is a combination of rhythm and blues, funk, rap and hip-hop and arose out of assistance to, and often times in opposition to, middle class sensibilities of respectability and norms. In Soul, the expression seems disdain and rebellion for the normal societal norms, that have been put In place by the government Influences such as Marvin Ayes Whats Going On and Lets Get it On two of his most popular pieces where he is in defiance of the current political agenda and abstinence. Neo, meaning new, or Nu brought a different vehicle of expression the experiences of the time. Though there Is much debate regarding the terms Neo-soul or Neo-classical- soul has become, In the sass and sass, more popular. Neo Soul is an extension of a culture that has a voice. The African American community in the sass as church and faith become more important to young professional Christian, Neo soul also creeps Into the Gospel music with artist such as Lisa McClellan and Leon Tomb.These Individuals express a real time acceptance and reliance on their God and expression of their faith in contemporary terms. Neo- soul music is one such singularity, which has referred the subjectivity of black people and suggested Identities embodied and disembodied, human and post- human. (Wellesley 30) Simply put. It Is a genre of music that refocuses the African American art of music. More aesthetically pleasing I think. The beauty of neo Soul has I believe redefined African American Music as an art form rather than beat for bump and grind, distrust and defiance.Such artist as : Lauren Hill, India Aria, and Jill Scott, women who have redefined lyric with bold and encouraging expression and melody that beats to the heart of the listener. In Arias Strength, Courage, and Wisdom, she speaks of positive thoughts to encourage and that these elements are internal, pointing the listener to uplift rather than what can be done in secret. As well as the song l Am Not My Hair, which counteracts bigotry and stereotypes with positive phrases and rhyme.Similarly Jill Scott, with a more rhythmic driving beat In My Petition, Scott speaks out against the American government without the hatred 1 OFF just truthful. Neo Soul music is an adaptation of Soul music as an art form and moves it too higher degree of listening pleasure. Not timid but definitely bold, but respectful of both the artist and the listener. Even the presentation of the artist in this genre is an artistic expression of the African American culture.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Immigration Reform Essays - James Fenimore Cooper, Romanticism

Immigration Reform James Fenimore Cooper was born in Burlington, New Jersey on September 15, 1789. He was the eleventh of twelve children born to William and Elizabeth Cooper. When James was one year old the family moved to the frontier, and his father established the settlement of Cooperstown at the head of the Susquehanna River.Cooper attended a private preparatory school at Albany, New York, and was then admitted to Yale in 1803. He was expelled during his junior year because of a prank. His family allowed him to join the navy as a midshipman, but he soon found that more discipline was present in the Navy than at Yale. In 1810 Cooper took a furlough, and never returned to active duty. Cooper married Susan De Lancy in 1811, and for the next ten years he led the life of a country gentleman. However, after the death of all five of his elder brothers he became responsible for supporting their widows and paying their debts. Added to this was the fact that his father's estate had not been worth as much as originally thought. In 1820 Cooper published his first fiction, Precaution, on a challenge from his wife. This novel was a plodding imitation of Jane Austen, and was largely unsuccessful. In 1821 he published his second book, The Spy, to praise from reviewers. The Spy was modeled after Sir Walter Scott's "Waverly" novels, except it was set during the American Revolution. The Spy brought Cooper international fame and a certain amount of wealth.Cooper's third book, The Pioneers, was the first of five novels that made up the Leatherstocking Tales. These were immensely popular frontier novels featuring a frontiersman by the name of Natty Bumpo, or Hawkeye. The Pioneers is generally considered to be the first truly American novel. The five novels of the series were not written in their narrative order, and were produced over a period of eighteen years. Cooper and his wife had five children, and they lived in Europe from 1826 until 1833 for the education of their children. When Cooper returned to America in 1833 he found he was rather unpopular due to works he had written while living in Europe, namely Notions of the Americans and Letter to General Lafayette. He left New York City because of this unpopularity, and went to live in Cooperstown, New York, the settlement founded by his father. Cooper died at Cooperstown on September 14, 1851, one day before his sixty-second birthday. Cooper was, and continues to be, an immensely popular writer, and he is generally considered to be the first major American novelist. Bibliography: Coming to America : A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life, Roger Daniels, 512 pages Reprint edition, October 1991 One Nation, After All : What Americans Really Think About God, Country, Family, Racism, Welfare, Immigration, Homosexuality, Work, The Right, The Left and Each Other, Alan Wolfe, 358 pages, March 1999, Penguin USA

Sunday, November 24, 2019

4 Different Styles of Citing a Research Paper

4 Different Styles of Citing a Research Paper When writing a paper for college – whether it’s an essay, thesis or dissertation – and you choose to cite a research paper, it’s very important to cite it properly. Plagiarism is not tolerated when writing papers, but you should already know that. Professors appreciate students with a thorough understanding of different citation styles. However, very few pay attention to this aspect. So if you’re looking for a way to stand out and make an impression, this is it! There are different ways of citing a research paper. They usually depend on your teacher’s requirements. Since you don’t want your grades to be affected, you need to be very careful and know each style really well. Main styles are APA, MLA, Chicago and Harvard. They’re not the same thing, so you might want to be careful. Citing research papers is different from citing sources from books. Here’s a quick guide to help you out. APA Citation Style Frequently used in social sciences, the APA style is one of the most common and also one of the most difficult citation styles. Referencing research papers in APA is done differently: Government Document E.g. NatiÐ ¾nal Institute Ð ¾f Mental Health. (1990).  Clinical training in seriÐ ¾us mental illness  (DHHS PublicatiÐ ¾n NÐ ¾. ADM 90-1679). WashingtÐ ¾n, DC: U.S. GÐ ¾vernment Printing Оffice. Private Organization Report E.g. American Psychiatric AssÐ ¾Ã ¾ciation. (2000).  Practice guidelines fÐ ¾r the treatment Ð ¾f patients with eating disÐ ¾rders  (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: Author. MLA Citation Style The MLA citation style is commonly used when citing sources within the humanities and liberal arts. If you want to use research papers as a main source for your paper, the formatting looks like this: Journal E.g. Hughes, Jane C., Elizabeth V. Brestan, and Linda Anne Valle. PrÐ ¾blem-SÐ ¾lving InteractiÐ ¾ns between MÐ ¾thers and Children. Child and Family BehaviÐ ¾r Therapy 26.1 (2004): 1-16. PsycINFО. Web. 12 Nov. 2006. Encyclopedia E.g. JacksÐ ¾n, Keith. â€Å"Chesapeake Bay.† EncyclÐ ¾pedia Britannica. 2006 ed. EncyclÐ ¾pedia Britannica Оnline. Web. 14 Sept. 2006. Newspaper (print) E.g. BrÐ ¾wn, Patricia Leigh. Tiffany Glass and Оther Tales frÐ ¾m the Crypt.New YÐ ¾rk Times  5 Sept. 1999: A1+. Print. Chicago Citation Style The Chicago citation style offers writers a referencing system through endnotes and footnotes citation when writing bibliography for college papers. Using Chicago properly will protect you from accusations of plagiarism. It builds credibility by proving accountability to the mentioned source material. General format: Name, Contributor 1, Contributor 2 Name, and Contributor 3  (etc.) Name. â€Å"Title of Resource.† E.g. Journal: Susan Peck MacDÐ ¾nald, â€Å"The Erasure of Language,†Ã‚  CÐ ¾llege CÐ ¾mposition and Communication  58, no. 4 (2007): 619 Harvard Citation Style Whether you’re citing a quote from a journal or adding bibliography at the end of your college paper, it’s really important to do it right to avoid plagiarism. Even though the Harvard citation style is one of the most common, it is fundamental to know the rules. Scientific paper (hard copy). Surname, Initial.  (Year). Title of article.  Title of Journal,  volume, page. ZabrÐ ¾dska, K., KvetÐ ¾n, P. (2013) Prevalence and FÐ ¾rms of WÐ ¾rkplace Bullying AmÐ ¾ng University EmplÐ ¾yees.  EmplÐ ¾yee RespÐ ¾nsibilities Rights Journal.  [Online] 25 (2), pp. 89-108. Retrieved from Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost  [accessed 31 August 2013]. Citing research papers in different citation styles can be challenging. However, providing that you know the rules, everything should play out perfectly. You can also try using Free Citation Generator that will make everything much easier. Your teachers will surely appreciate that you’re detail-oriented, and that you know the differences between APA, MLA, Chicago and Harvard styles.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Consequential Contribution of Founding Fathers to America Essay

Consequential Contribution of Founding Fathers to America - Essay Example They laid the foundations of a capitalist America, based on the belief that the eventual economic well being of any nation was a direct function of the opportunities it extended to its citizens to channelize their energies and talents in a free market. Enlightened individualism, which is the hallmark of the American way of life, has its origins in the thought and vision of our founding fathers. It was by the dint of the validity and sanctity of their values that America was able to win a war of independence against a nation that was far superior to it in terms of military might and economic affluence. They envisioned a nation with a system of governance that relied on the fundamental principles of natural rights, free from any form of monarchial or ecclesiastical interference. Founding father undeniably made a marked contribution to the American way of life that will continue to guide and motivate this great nation in the times to come. George Washington was a leader far ahead of his times. It is easy for people today to visualize America as a free and sovereign nation. However, in the times of Washington, America was just a bunch of rebellious colonies, which were loosely held together, courtesy their shared aversion to the British rule.1 The astuteness of Washington was manifested in his will to hold on to a vision of a united America, irrespective of the ground realities of those times, which totally discouraged the perception of America as a great nation. The vibrant and self-sufficient America that we see today was once a mere vision in the heart and mind of Washington and other founding fathers.2 It was only by the dint and confidence of Washington and his revolutionary propensities that a nation was born irrespective of the mighty resistance posed by the great military and political powers of those times. George Washington was a prominent personality that defined the American nation, not only because he was the first president of America, but also because he happened to be the supreme commander of the American forces fighting for independence and the chairman of the convention that drafted the constitution of the United States of America. The wisdom of Washington lied not only in his ability to hold together the 13 rebellious colonies with diverse interests and priorities, but also in his shrewdness in channelizing the rebelliousness governing the American resistance into a well knit, consolidated and unanimous verdict in favor of the foundation of an independent America.3The task before Washington was utterly complex in the sense that he was not only required to be a military commander, but also a seasoned and sharp political leader who could extend guidance and direction to a zealous but nascent movement, which could have easily degenerated into an insignificant and directionless m utiny, as was desired by the imperial forces.